Thursday, September 12, 2013

Posted by Anonymous
No comments | 11:33 PM
McAfee antivirus is best to protect your computer. Today we 'all look at the latest version of McAfee Antivirus Product Plus.
The new McAfee antivirus has some new features and improvements that have been popular for strong defence and the protection of your computer. Navigation unit offers all the tools available in a list view. You can view the history of the last 30 days, the log files that contain a list of blocked programs or infection in the last 30 days.

Safe Web Surfing
New features include a website security index will help you navigate safely and to alert you with a colour index, it is safe to use. Therefore, it is less likely to end any misleading website.

Data Management
McAfee has developed new antivirus tools that will help you permanently delete files from your computer, so that no one can recover your files without your permission.

Garbage management files
If your computer becomes slow for using the more application or saving more data. Therefore, McAfee has new tools which clean unwanted files and this tool called junk and fast cleaning

The analysis of removable devices
McAfee has included new features to run a quick scan on removable drive when connected to your computer for malicious software or your computer is protected and not infected.

Lengthy installation

Installation was not very hard and lasted longer than most antivirus, McAfee do not slow your computer and just requires a reboot. Check for update for the first time to updates you version .McAfee perform a complete analysis and then finally updates. The installation does not stop there, if you find the old antivirus and Trojan then it will scan it and ask a reboot and you can get the same message repeatedly. The features are good, but installation can be a lengthy but not so hard for a normal computer user.


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