Saturday, August 16, 2014

Posted by Unknown
No comments | 9:02 AM
In a large "Ask me anything" chat on Reddit Thursday developers and the team of Program Managers, Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) asked users to give the browser a second chance, he sang on the disappearance next to IE8, and confirmed that, although the pressure of small regular updates include customers, there is an IE12

They also showed that they had considered changing the name of the Internet Explorer browser to distance often negative reputation.
Internet Explorer has a "right of use", an approximate measure of the proportion of computer users in the world with a particular browser, 58%, according to Net Applications metric suppliers. This is almost three times more than 20% of second place competitor, Google Chrome.
But IE was once much more dominant: In January 2005, when he began recording computer data from Net Applications, IE had a right to use 89%. Then, second only Firefox had a market share of 6%.

It’s lowest in December 2011, when a 52% share point IE has recovered from a long decay constant which originates in a decision more than a decade to stop development was mainly represented. Microsoft thought it had won the browser wars.
Now, users of Windows Developer want to give another shot IE.
"Many times, the decision not to use Internet Explorer relies heavily on the experience of some ten years, and other IE," said Jonathan Sampson on Reddit Ask me something (AMA). "That said, we know that our task is to change public opinion and win the heart of users worldwide. Each [person] will open IE and download a different web browser, is another person we will work even harder to recover in the morning. "
Other comments about the cat done by moving Microsoft expected perceptions. After someone asked if the company had never considered abandoning the name "Internet Explorer" - a way to differentiate the new from the old - Sampson considered.
"It has been suggested within,. especially remember a long email thread, where many people were passionately discussed a lot of ideas thrown around about how we can differentiate ourselves from the negative perception than reflects more our product today, "said Sampson, then gently suggested that the move could be on the cards. "The discussion I remember very recently (a few weeks ago.) Who knows what the future holds?"
In another part of the discussion, comments Microsoft's recent decision to stop serving the latest security updates for older versions of IE from January 2016, and asked some questions about the political, dismissing decades of pledges of support.
"How are you serious about forcing companies to move to IE11? My employer is dragging its feet to update the [IE] 9 "asked one participant.
"We take very seriously," said Colleen Williams IE team. He also said that the IE team was so happy with the decision because most commentators that hit WADA help the unemployed. After somebody one asked: "What was the attitude in the room when Microsoft released its policy of supporting browser"? His answer was revealing.


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